Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How to clean your jewelry . .

If you are like me, you never take your jewelry off, which means you’re guilty of wearing it in the shower, while cleaning the house, when preparing meals for the family. After a while this will cause the jewelry to lose some of its luster and shine and it’s time to take action.

Not all jewelry are alike and therefore maintenance differs for each. Here is a run-down of the basics.

Silver should be rinsed in warm water and patted dry. If it is tarnished, use a silver-polishing cloth or a silver-cleaning fluid. For jewelry with intricate (means complicated, elaborate) designs, use a silver-cleaning paste, which can get into small crevices (breaks, splits). Don’t use a toothbrush or other abrasives (harsh or rough material which can cause scratches) because they will scratch the surface. Wipe with a clean, soft cloth.

Soak gold for about 15minutes in 2 cups of warm water with a few drops of mild dish-washing liquid. Gently scrub with a soft-bristle toothbrush. Rinse with warm water and dry with a soft cloth.

The safest way to clean gems is with plain warm water. If you feel that soap is necessary, use a mild liquid soap. Then rinse them and lay them on a soft towel to dry. Be aware that if your gems are on thread, the water may cause stretching or breakage. Some stones need special care. Amber, for example, should never go near ammonia or any hot solutions. Turquoise, lapis, malachite and onyx should only be cleaned with a soft damp cloth, since some detergents can discolor them. Many beads are dyed; rub your finger over the bead to see if any color comes off. If it does, it should never be put in the water.

Rub pearls individually with a soft, clean cloth dampened with a solution of 2 cups warm water and a few drops of a mild detergent. Don’t soak them because this can cause the string to stretch. Air-dry overnight.

The best way to clean pearls is to wear them. The oil from your skin will keep them soft and lustrous.

Wash with care
When washing most jewelry only use plain water or add a little mild liquid soap.

Precious pieces
Most jewelry is a mix of materials. Wash briefly in plain lukewarm water, adding a tiny amount of gentle liquid soap if necessary. Pat dry with a clean, soft cloth or leave to dry naturally.
Fashion & Designer Jewelry
Costume/fashion jewelry can be versatile, with designs that allow you to wear your jewelry for any occasion. However, because jeweler's cement is often used to create those designs, it is important that you take special precautions when cleaning your costume/fashion jewelry. Wipe gently with a damp cloth that is soft and clean. Dry with a soft, clean, absorbent cloth. Leave the piece on a towel for an extended period of time to ensure it is completely dry. Don't use hot water, a steamer or an ultrasonic cleaner. Don't soak in water. Don't expose to cleaning agents or other chemicals. Don't expose to extreme heat.

Wipe gently with a damp cloth that is soft and clean. Dry with a soft, clean, absorbent cloth. Leave the piece on a towel for an extended period of time to ensure it is completely dry. Don't use hot water, a steamer or an ultrasonic cleaner. Don't soak in water. Don't expose to cleaning agents or other chemicals.

Wipe gently with a damp cloth that is soft and clean. Dry with a soft, clean, absorbent cloth. Leave the piece on a towel for an extended period of time to ensure it is completely dry. Don't use hot water, a steamer or an ultrasonic cleaner. Don't soak in water. However, use cool water instead of lukewarm water. Also, instead of soaking for 10 to 20 minutes, soak briefly for no more than 5 minutes. Dry with a soft, absorbent cloth. Leave the piece on a towel for an extended period of time to ensure it is completely dry. Don't use hot water, a steamer or an ultrasonic cleaner. Don't expose to extreme heat.

Closed-Back Settings
Any item with a closed-back setting requires special care because water can get trapped under the setting, making it very difficult to thoroughly dry. Wipe gently with a damp cloth that is soft and clean. Dry with a soft, clean, absorbent cloth. Leave the piece on a towel for an extended period of time to ensure it is completely dry. Don't use hot water, a steamer or an ultrasonic cleaner. Don't soak in water.


robert said...
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ejewelbox said...

Gees! Thanks for the comment. Glad that this article helps.